
wonder this day, upon
others. Where what you
know brings peace; laced
in strands of unknown

tinkered thoughts, of
what’s real. Where hearts
matter in loving; others’
storied past

there lies a truth, in
life. Where faith in
another; belies
a guarded soul

what is known, is
as such. Where doubt
comes; so comes
your devil

just you

Yesterday was the day, I began
to miss you; us.

As I felt it, and saw it
buried within; interactions.

Layered in intimacy, of stories
of each other; trust.

Where you became, beautiful
to me; forever.

Readers, know nothing of this
of us; truly.

But a handful of ours’, we may
have shared; legacy.

In thoughts that come, with
a gaze above the horizon; love.

Milky Ways and, desperate days
hold me; grounded.

There I’ve come, today
missing you; just you.

Whispered voice, ‘n emerald eyes
guide me; my muse.
